Tuesday, October 19, 2010


At the beginning of class last Thursday, we reflected on and discussed the question of whether we tend to read poetry as fiction or nonfiction and how either reading affected the interpretation/meaning of the poem. Personally, I tend to read poetry as nonfiction. I'm not sure why, but I think doing so makes the poem more alive in my mind.

I wanted to discuss this question further and ask whether or not you think reading poetry as fiction/nonfiction makes a difference in how you interpret poems' meanings, and why or why not?

It's challenging to change the way you've been doing things, and if I were to be challenged to start reading poetry as fiction, I think I'll have a difficult time doing so. However, while we work on poetry in this class, I think it could be beneficial to try to read poetry in a different light.




  1. I would take care not to change perceptions of the poem from what it actually is.

    A poem that is fiction, read as non-fiction, may take away from the intent of the author, and through that, their message.

    But of course, if that is what makes the poem interesting to you and is what entices you to read further, I implore you then to continue as you are.

    But imagine if you did the inverse, and treated all non-fiction as fiction.

  2. I agree with what your saying Jackie. I myself like to read poetry as nonfiction also. I think when most people write poetry they are writing from personal experience, so clearly it something that has happened to them or maybe a close friend. A poet might also be writing from personal experience with a some variations to the story. As you said it is hard to change from reading poetry as nonfiction to fiction. But I think if you read it as nonfiction the story comes to life more and the reader can relate to the story better, I think because there is a sense that someone has experienced this particular situation. I think a poem can be compared to maybe watching a movie that is based on a true story, regardless of what the movie is, the viewers watching have an attachment to the movie because they know in reality someone has already gone through that particular circumstance.

