Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh Sister Dear!

I can't believe this has happened again, older sister to the rescue! I pride myself on being responsible, I mean who wouldn't be at this age? It didn't come easy for me though as some might think, I've had a hard road with many bumps, twists and turns, but I made it! Why can't I just stop caring and let the chips fall? I know why. Because Daddy raised me to be the tough one, the one who could withstand anything and still come out on top. That's why everyone relies on me to continuously have it together even in a recession. So, here I am waiting to extend another rescue effort for my baby sister. I know it will take a lot of humble pie for me not to fuss like I want to but I will try my best to be calm. I will welcome her and her son with open arms but this time we play it my way. That's right, my way or the highway!

Do you really want to go through this again? You remodeled your house and now you have 2 new boarders coming on the scene. You are responsible, hardworking and have come a long way baby! How could she be so careless to put this on your shoulders, she has to know you have your own responsibilities and teenagers to tend to for crying out loud! Yes, you will extend the arm of love and help her out again. I think this time, however you should play it your way. Do not give her any room to have options and other avenues, you need to take control. If you do, the likelihood of having to go through this again will dwindle, afterall you have it all together, right? Teach her to do the same, so she can stand on her own two feet and stop running to you for the rescue.

She didn't want to have to face this again, not now at this juncture in time. Her sister is coming back again, after a failed attempt to start over in another part of the country. She was so relieved when her sister left a few months ago, glad to be out of the game of coming to the rescue of baby sister. She thought maybe now she could be someone else's problem, but that in itself IS the problem. Baby sister needs to learn to take care of herself and big sister needs to stop coddling her. She needs to really put her foot down and make sure she knows how to do this and do it right this time, no more half stepping.

I think it was interesting to go from first, second to third person. Each change made me feel like I had to add more context and background so the reader would know what I'm talking about. In first person I could just talk and feel like the reader could follow me. Second person was almost as easy, third person I grappled with the right way to get my point across and still don't know if it came across as I would have liked.

Cindy Davis


  1. Cindy-

    Wow what an interesting story. Being a big sister my self I could really relate to the story. I have to be the responsible one while my younger siblings do whatever they want and my parents dub me as third parent. I thought it was interesting how you change the story but yet kept the same meaning with each point of view. It makes me wonder if I had done the assinment wrong because I kept the same story and only changed the I, You, She.
    Your story was interesting and I liked how you changed it with each point of view.
    -Ashley S

  2. I felt like you took a much a different approach than I did to this blog post and I'm glad you did! I tried to keep my paragraphs the same to see if changing the POV without changing the context would affect the reader and the latter two paragraphs came out bland. Here, I like that we are lead to feel the same way about the situation, the frustration is prevalent.
    I know what you mean when you refer to the third person paragraph, perhaps it would've helped if you would have treated the third person paragraph as more of a character, with a name and all.

    Nitesh Arora
