Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I went into work today feeling tired and sick. As I walked into the bathroom to change into my uniform, I noticed my fellow employees felt the same. I don't know what it is about Mondays, but everything seems to slow down and drag out. I hope that I don't get any annoying guests that stay forever or give lousy tips. God, I hate Mondays.

You went into work today feeling tired and sick. As you walked into the bathroom to change into your uniform, you noticed your fellow employees felt the same. You don't know what it is about Mondays, but everything seems to slow down and drag out. You hope that you don't get any annoying guests that stay forever or give lousy tips. God, you hate Mondays.

He went into work today feeling tired and sick. As he walked into the bathroom to change into my uniform, he noticed my fellow employees felt the same. He doesn't know what it is about Mondays, but everything seems to slow down and drag out. He hopes that he doesn't get any annoying guests that stay forever or give lousy tips. God, he hates Mondays.

For the first person, I can relate to it more with the word 'I'. It feels like I am the person actually doing the actions. The second person view point with 'you' feels more like a narrative unfolding or a play being presented. The third person changes view points by the word 'he.' It reads like a book or story and is less personal. The view points seem to get less personal as it changes from 1st, to 2nd, to 3rd person narratives. Also, in third person, I had to change some of the words (don't to doesn't). It's like you are an outside person looking in whereas the first two, you are more a part of.

Jae Khoury

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