Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why A Blog?

The last thing I want to write right now is a blog entry, but out of respect and obligation, I know I must. Blogging is a funny thing, and it is something I do not enjoy in the slightest: we sit behind screens with all the impersonal detachments technology has thrust upon us and we exchange dialogue with a keyboard and screen. This exchange and this conversation seem pointless to me. Blogging is an isolate enterprise and even if 10,000 people “hear” what you have to say, the lack of real human contact is maddening to me. I’ll give you an example of why.

I have a roommate who spends most of her time checking the internet to see what her “twitter friends” and her “livejournal friends” are saying. She constantly updates her Twitter to tell the world she had a bad day or that she is watching Glee. She told me once that she loves her live journal friends more than the ones she has in real life. This made me feel really sorry for her and it made me reflect on the nature of our generation. We really are an impersonal and passive generation. We text, we twitter, we write blogs. People say were are a generation that is always in contact, and in touch but I think this is far from the truth.

-Samantha Markey


  1. I think there are a lot of pros/cons with advancements in technology and on the web. You see people on their cell phones constantly everywhere while they're doing anything. People are obsessed with their computers, and we're becoming more and more like robots. However, I actually enjoy blogs. The nice thing is that there seems to be blogs for every subject now. I personally enjoy reading blogs about poetry and cooking. It's really a great way to share ideas with people with whom you otherwise would have no contact. Try checking out blogs on subjects that interest you--you might be surprised!


  2. I think Twitter is really about self-esteem and self-worth; allowing people to see what's going on in your life is a way of saying that other people should care about what you do. But often times they don't; they're absorbed in that idea to.

    The internet is a lonely place.

  3. WOW I totally agree with you! I really dont like to blog either but not for the not personal reasons but more for the I'm lazy reasons. I'd much rather write in a journal and then have to submit that at the end of the semester then to blog. It's annoying but really I think its because I'm lazy I dont want to do it. I found what you said to be really interesting about your roommate. It is like our generation is so focused on status updates that we loose on what really is important and going on in our lives.

  4. I'm old school and detest how connected, yet disconnected we really are. Nobody calls anyone anymore and forget about letters. We used up some paper back in the day writing letters and passing notes in class, I'm sure some of you can remember that...my cell phone rings and I do text one or two words a few times a week but that's pretty much it. I did want to start a blog many times but preferred to put pen to paper and FB and Twitter? I don't want to tell folks what I'm doing and my whereabouts every minute of the day, to me, that's silly.

    Cindy Davis
