Thursday, December 2, 2010

Character Assassination.

What is the specific flaw that most works against Dennis, the fatal flaw of his character? Simply put, it is his tendency to fall in love with his own ideas, his own perceptions, to unquestioningly adore the nature of his thoughts; he borders on belief. Not that this makes him much different from anyone else, which is possibly the worst part of it, for him at least, because this tendency leaves him feeling alienated. Is it any wonder so many walk around with headphones on these days?

1 comment:

  1. That is, in no way, a flaw. If you're not in love with your own ideas then you don't work on them and follow through with them. If you think your idea is o.k. then you just leave it by the wayside of your life. You need to be in love with what you create in your mind in order to create. No one was ever successful through looking at their thoughts as garbage.
    D. Ryan
