Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Revision, What a Joy.

Revision: the most necessary yet least joyful part of the writing process. And, it certainly isn’t a part of the writing process with which I take a proactive approach. No, it feels…bothersome. Yes, I know that it is necessary, but I don’t tend to push myself to revise. I have other things that I can be doing, if I’m going to take time from my life and partake in the writing process then why not use that time for the creative portion of the process? One can always revise later, when he actually has something to revise.
I shall definitely revise my fiction piece; out of all the means of writing I have a greater love of fiction than the others. And, I know what I want to change and how I shall change my short story. I can create and develop fully-fledged characters. While it is a fictional story I aim to integrate elements of real life into the story. Yes, non-fiction is real life, but with a fictional story I have artistic liberty. I don’t feel the need to stay as close to the facts as possible.
I am not sure whether I’d prefer to revise to revise my poem or my non-fictional piece. I like both pieces, but I’m not well versed in either genre. I don’t consider myself terrible at either means of writing, but I don’t think that I have enough practice and do not yet consider myself exceptional. I have never before looked back at my poetry and revised it. I usually look at poetry while I write it and choose what to do with each line. I look at the poetry and decide whether the message, diction, and structure follow my desired form. I know a rhyme scheme is not necessary in poems, but I try not to use them in every poem. There are certain poems that are work with a rhyme scheme and certain pieces that are brought down by one.
In addition, I have the non-fiction piece to consider. Neither do I have an overwhelmingly positive feeling nor do I have an overwhelmingly negative feeling about the piece. It’s more of a personal narrative essay than a great creative non-fiction piece. So, I’ll wait to see what everyone says this class before I decide on my second piece.
~Nitesh Arora


  1. I think I felt less enthusiastic about the nonfiction than I did the poem, as far as which one was the better of the two. I suppose I should wait to see the comments tonight and maybe I will do the nonfiction. I've already gone as far as I can in revising the poem to my liking but it can't hurt to see what is the final concensus on my nonfiction. It may find it's way into my portfolio afterall.

    Cindy Davis

  2. I agree with you. It is really hard to get motivated to revise. I too have a hard time wanting and pushing myself to sit down and rewrite to fix my papers. I too am fixing my fiction peaice. I feel as if that might be a little eaiser because it is more creative. Hope your revisions go well!
    Ashley S
