Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I have mixed emotions about the revisions. I want to revise my papers so that I can improve them and get a deeper idea for myself so that I can clearly and concisely get my point across to my audience. However, I am not exactly looking forward to sitting down and critiquing these papers with everything else that I have to attend to at this time. I am revising my creative nonfiction piece and my flash nonfiction piece. I chose these two-pieces because I believe that I enjoyed reading them the most so I figured why not make them better so that maybe other people might enjoy reading them also. I believe what is going well for me is the fact that I am considering many different aspect for my revision. I am including many other ideas for improvement to my papers. My revising is allowing me the opportunity to make adjustments that I might not have made before. For example, I can make a better description for a character or I can edit a character by taking some features that he has and giving him other ones that will make him more understandable and enjoyable to the readers. I think the difficult part of the revision is trying to improve the story and the character without taking out specific parts of the story that I loved although it might not be the best fit for the story. After, I have put a story together that I completely love it is hard to scratch a specific part that I was excited I thought of when I first wrote the story. It is also hard to add parts to the story that I don't particularly enjoy and wouldn't relate to the story but I know will help the reader get a better understanding. But I know that when I am done revising my story should be much more exciting, enjoyable, and understanding to the reader.

Jaaziah Bethea.

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