Thursday, December 2, 2010


One flaw with which Samantha has always had a hard times coming to grips is her inability to change her opinions of her peers after only just getting to know them. She thinks that she knows exactly what a person is like after only a few minutes of interacting with them and though she understands that this is a shallow and extremely close-minded way to view and objectify other people, she rarely makes an effort to change her initial views. If she has a negative impression of the person, she will almost always maintain that negative view. She judges books by their covers while pretending to understand their contents. This is a flaw that is not only problematic, but hypocritical because, while she thinks other people are terribly transparent, she believes she is far less translucent.
-Samantha Markey

1 comment:

  1. I want to say I like this flaw. But I think what I mean to say is that I understand this flaw. Many writers tend to be as you put it, "close minded and judge books by their covers." I like how you mentioned that she thinks she knows someone after moments of interacting with them. It is interesting how we as people think that we can almost dictate or determine a person because we know them momentarily. But realistically we might only barely know the person or they possibly could be lying to us.

    Jaaziah Bethea
