Thursday, December 2, 2010

He forgets literally... everything

You can constantly see him pausing and thinking that he has forgotten something. It is evident by the confused look on his face. He doesn't remember birthdays or important events. He doesn't remember when he needs to get his car inspected, or when he needs to renew his drivers license. He forgets when papers are due. He has his friends trained to introduce themselves to people who approach familiarly so that he will be reminded of the persons name. He forgets important facts but always remembers the unimportant details.

D. Ryan

1 comment:

  1. I had to comment on this because I know people like this myself. I would not say that they forget absolutely everything but there are many things that they forget that are important. My brother for example, forgets things like what people said to him minutes ago or college application deadlines to schools he really wants to apply. I have a friend who had someone write on her hand so she would not forget to go to the doctor and she told her roommate to remind her so she wouldn't forget to go to the doctor. I these things funny and somewhat ironic because I am like the complete opposite way. Once I hear/learn something I can remember it for a long time especially if it is of any importance to me. I am great with birthdays I know many of my family and friends birthdays including ones I never see and see often although I might not celebrate their birthdays with them.

    Jaaziah Bethea
