Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Art of Napping

I’ve been up since 9am for my first class. I went to sleep at 5am because I waited till the last minute again to do my drawing assignment. My teacher is also a Nazi…quite possibly the most loveable Nazi in existence but they set the bar pretty low. After class I engage in a search for the statistics tutors because I have a MINITAB assignment due today at 7:20pm. I haven’t started nor do I understand anything. The tutor is reasonably successful and I am pleased that in 30 minutes my assignment is complete and I understand my statistics material better. I drive home exhausted.

Upon entering my townhouse I hear the washer running. I carry my two large art assignments up the stairs and push the door open with my foot. In a lazy and yet chipper fashion I greet my roommate and comment on her adorable pigtails. She is working on an essay so I take my computer downstairs and video chat with my boyfriend. The conversation is good today. We giggle on silly topics…well I giggle and he laughs at my giggle. We discuss interesting concepts. We smile.

After an hour my late night starts to bring on a headache and I lay my head down on the couch. I don’t realize exactly how heavy my eyelids feel. It seems like a split second but it has actually been three hours. The video chat box has been disconnected and it is dark outside. I am groggy. I lift my feet up the stairs, which feel like cinderblocks and realize my friend has arrived from NOVA and has been distracting my roommate from her essay. I am still groggy. My head feels light and my body moans in that gross achy just woken up way. My roommate comments that I should have slept another 20 minutes for most of my responses resemble the language of cavemen. It is then that I smile. This time I just woke up on the wrong side of the couch.

Samantha Audet

1 comment:

  1. Napping is definitely an art, one that I've lost as I've gotten older. When I was younger I made sure I was well rested. It started senior year of high school when things were so crazy. I would come home and take a nap for a couple hours and was always rejuvenated by it. Then life happened and a failed attempt at college and sleeplessness took over my life, probably for a couple decades.

    Now I realize the beauty of it and trying to incoporate napping into my busy life. Saturday afternoons seem to work nicely for my new "goal".

    Cindy Davis
