Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Got to have a plan

I'm the kind of person who believes if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Yeah, it's cliche and all that but think about it. I'm the kind of person who has to have more than a plan B...maybe I don't plan all the way to Z, but you can't just have two variables when figuring out life's equations. Took me a few hard knocks to learn the beauty of planning but now I get it, and it's something I'll never let go of.

What is trying for me is dealing with individuals who live life on a whim. Don't get me wrong, on vacations I rarely plan, I make it as whimsical as possible and more often than not on purpose. I hate to be regimented when I'm trying to enjoy myself and take a load off. In a way that is planning though, planning to do nothing..lol...so there's a time and place for flying by the seat of my pants. No way can it be an everyday thing, just can't work.

My friends say I'm getting old and set in my ways, I say, not really. Planning frees me up to focus on what's important and I can be quite flexible...flexible does not mean scattered and disorganized, it just means that if my plans fall through I can adjust to another plan. Flexibility is fine in my book, failing to plan is not.

Cindy Davis

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I like this post Cindy. My mother always reminds me, of your quote, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail." She reminds me that I need a planner to write down my schedule of activities so I do not forget them and so I that I do not have activities that collide with each other. I like how you said you at least need a plan B but not a plan Z. I like to think that failing to plan is planning to fail to an extinct. I am a young college student and I some what like to live my life not on the edge but freely. I like to live my life sometimes the way you live your vacations. I have to schedule and plan something because other wise they wont get done but others I like to just wait and see what happens and choose to do as I please. For example, I am a athlete, I wrestle for Mason so my window for freedom is smaller than non athletes. I also work some part time so that makes my freedom window even smaller. So when I do have free time, not studying, in class, off from work, or a day off from practice I like to see what I can do by just letting it happen. I contact some friends and see if their not so busy schedule relates to mine and I go from there. I like how you mentioned that flexibility is fine that is probably part of what I'm incorporating into my schedule.

    Jaaziah Bethea
