Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rocky Horror Glee Show

I'm a tv blogger for a student media site & this was one of my earlier pieces. I would love to be able to get your opinion on the writing style. Is it appropriate? Does it work?
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
“We've lost the true meaning of Halloween: fear”
I’m kind of cut off from American cultural classics—my friends jokingly call me sheltered.
I guess it’s typical of me not to have seen Rocky Horror Picture Show before this Glee episode.
I ended up watching Rocky Horror Picture Show online right before I watched the Glee episode on Hulu.
And now I shall prepare to be pelted with stones by any Rocky Horror Picture Show fans.
What. The. Heck?
And my reaction to the Glee: RHPS episode?
Again: What. The Heck?
According to my friends, Rocky Horror Picture Show is known to be a terrible movie. I guess it’s an inside joke for fans.
What’s Glee’s excuse?
Seriously? As Sue Sylvester would say “The Horror!”
Glee’s tribute episodes are always terrible. Well, that’s if you happen to be watching for some kind of plot.
“The Power of Madonna,” “Britney/Brittany,” and “The Rocky Horror Glee Show” weren’t just 3 Glee episodes. They were three wasted hours of my life.
If you skipped the episodes or watched just the songs you would get the same experience out of the episodes.
Part of my dislike of the episode must have come from hating the musical.
All of the songs of the week? Weird. And more awkward than the original.
Did anyone else find it weird that Will wanted a part that would have him in a sex scene with Rachel? Translation: Rachel Berry would be asking Will to “Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me.” Not Emma.
I haven’t liked Mr. Schuster for a while, but really? He’s insane.
He agreed to stay away from Emma. She’s happily in a relationship with Dr. Carl. And then he stages an entire musical for her.
And the whole “abs issue”? Not “ab-ulous.”
I’m pretty sure that was tacked on so they could do something plot-wise about Chord Overstreet’s Sam in his golden boxers. I just thought that it was awkward.
I have to admit I liked a few things about the episode and, of course, Sue and Becky made that list. “Give me some chocolate or I will cut you.”
The singing lips in the beginning of the episode were a nice tribute to the original RHPS. And, the “Brad! Janet! Rocky! Dr. Scott!” scene? Cute and hilarious!
All in all?
Dear Ryan Murphy,
Please stop with the tribute episodes.
“I have no idea what's going on in this script, and it's not in a cool Inception kind of way.”
Nitesh Arora

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