Friday, November 26, 2010

Non-Fiction story assignment-Phillip Cobey

Nazi Zombies and Christmas Crack
by Phillip Cobey

"Behind you, behind you," Mike yells at Phillip. "I got it," Phillip pulls the right trigger button on the controller. "Nazi Zombies was a great idea," proclaims Mike. "Dude I know this, it's why I bought the game," says Phillip as opens the first door in the game. "...I made it from scratch...," Kara says in into her cell phone as she goes down the stairs and out the front door. "Did she just say Christmas Crack?" Phillip says as he turns his head looking at Mike.
"No man, I am pretty sure she said made it from scratch," Mike assures Phillip. "I heard Christmas Crack," argues Phillip. "No, I am positive she said, made from scratch, and you need to open the second door too," Mike says as he questions Phillip's listening abilities. "Probably is what she said," Phillip admitting defeat as he opens the second door into the game.
"What is Christmas Crack?" Phillip questions Mike. "I got no clue, some type of Crack derivative maybe," explains Mike. "I don't think just because it has Crack in the name it has to have Crack in the substance," Phillip ponders aloud, "it could be that it's really addictive or has similar effects to Crack." "I think you are putting way too much thought into this," Mike shaking his head at Phillip, "just play the game, the MP-50 is down the stairs." "MP-40," Phillip corrects Mike.
"I will cover these two windows, you cover the upstairs window and doorway," Mike orders Phillip. "Christmas Crack," Phillip mutters aloud, "I can't get it out of my head." "Dude, come on, Christmas Crack, why Christmas?" Mike says as he finally joins Phillip on his level. "I don't know, maybe it's a seasonal thing or refers to color," elaborates Phillip as if he is some type of expert on the subject. "I think you just invented a new a drug," jokes Mike as he presses the left bumper on the controller throwing a grenade up the stairs.
"No, I am sure it exists somewhere," Phillip informs Mike. "No, I am sure you are the only person to ever come up Christmas Crack, just focus on the game, you are letting too many zombies through," Mike says as he questions Phillip's mental state. "I got the zombies, don't worry, I think I should go out and try to buy some and see what I get," plans Phillip. "What?" Mike says, staring down at Phillip, now convinced of Phillip's mental state, "just please play the game, I am running low on ammo."
"I am getting over run, I am coming downstairs," says Phillip as he holds the right joystick down then presses B. "Don't dive down the stairs when the zombies are chasing you, I am not reviving you when you go down," yells Mike at Phillip. "That's cool, it will give me time to Google Christmas Crack," says Phillip. Zombies start to fill the room, "I am going to open the last door," says Mike.
"I'm down," says Phillip as he puts down the controller and pulls out his Droid. "Get off your cell phone, I am coming to revive you," commands Mike. "You are almost out of ammo, there is no way," snaps Phillip, as Mike pulls the right trigger button killing a zombie that drops a "Max Ammo." "The game isn't over yet," says Mike as he charges back into the room. "Hold up I am Googling Christmas Crack," says Phillip to a now angry Mike.
"Hold up let me revive you," Mike says as he holds the left trigger button aiming down the sights of his MP-40 scoring headshot after head shot. "Ok," says Phillip as he is typing away on his phone's mobile browser. "You are back up, start shooting," orders Mike. Phillip doesn't even have the controller in his hand, "Sure." Phillip's character gets killed by zombies again, "I just revived you," yells Mike.
"Oh, apparently Christmas Crack does exist, it's a type of chocolate toffee," says Phillip to a very bitter Mike. "No!" Mike exclaims, as he gets surrounded by zombies and taken down, "I just wanted to get past level 7." Mike stares down Phillip, "What Mike?" The front door is opened and Kara walks inside. "Hey Kara, did you say Christmas Crack earlier?" Phillip Queries. "No," says Kara with a confused look on her face. Mike rest his face on the palm of his hand and shakes his head in disgust, dropping his controller on the floor.

by Phillip Cobey
Non-Fiction Story assignment

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