Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Perfectionism is Never a Flaw!

If Nitesh Arora had to have been blessed with a fatal flaw which of the many could it be? Well, a type-A personality, an overzealous drive, and annoying persistence could all be drawn from the basket, but perfectionism is at the core of each of his flaws. Nitesh strives to achieve his goals—you can only be perfect if you’ve done everything you’ve set out to, right? He can’t settle for anything less. Settling for a les than optimal amount of sleep is certainly one of those tiny sacrifices someone whom shall one day have a top the New York Times bestsellers list, right? He would walk on Hollywood’s red carpet when going to the premiere of the movie based on his first chart-topping novel. That, would be a reward.
However, all of the ambition that he has, this perfectionist drive, stops him from achieving the goals he sets for himself. The joy of obtaining a real position writing and the regret months later…is that really perfection. It’s not that he just can’t say no, but more of an issue of he doesn’t want to say no. Why would he reject something that would advance his career? Or further his passion? Or spread his culture? Or help the family business? Nitesh’s drive causes him to accept each of these responsibilities, the obligation and promise are too enticing to let go to waste. And, when it comes down to it, he fulfills these responsibilities. Of course, like a true perfectionist the end result is glowing. He throws each of these plates of responsibility in the air, spinning and spinning and catching and throwing on and on, delirium setting in but the plates staying in the air.
Nitesh wants it all. And, if he’s going to do any of it he’s going to go all in, there’s no use making a commitment if the results aren’t amazing, that’s not the Nitesh Arora touch.

~Nitesh Arora

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