Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nice Neat Package

I read the Robert Cowser piece. There weren't any specific lines or moments in the story that struck me in any way. It was something that the writer did specifically that I enjoyed.

The main character of the story, the little boy, seemed to be in the dark about a lot of things throughout the work. I liked this aspect of Cowser's writing because it does not give us all the information and present the story to the reader in a nicely wrapped package with a bow on top. To me, it is more realistic to be told a story from the point of view from someone who does not have all the information, mainly, because that is the way life is. What situation in your life has ever provided you with everything you could possibly know about an event? No event, that's what.

The story paints enough of a picture for the reader to understand the basic concept of what is happening to the characters without giving the reader all of the details that would allow him/her to understand the characters fully (as far as their histories, motivations, etc.). This allows the reader to take the story for what it is and forces him/her to fill in the blanks as to what the other details may be. It is a more realistic and more entertaining, i believe, way to present a story.

D. Ryan

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