Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What I Learned

This week I learned that I was ineligible to compete for Mason's wrestling team. I was furious! I was psyched and ready for our first competition, only to find out moments before we were scheduled to depart that I could not wrestle. Not only could I not travel and wrestle this past weekend when my team made the drive up to Clarion, PA for a tournament but the unbearable news is that I might not be able to compete until next semester which means I will miss many matches.
As a competitive athlete my goal is to compete and win. I am motivated to practice because I envision the reward of winning my matches and enjoying the excitement that comes with the success. I work extremely hard for what I like to call a positive outcome or in wrestling terms to get my hand raised, which simply means to win the match. But how can I even be motivated to practice when my potential incentive might be momentarily taken from me, I may just choose to momentarily not work so hard.
Most people know that wrestlers have, from my perspective the most strenuous workout of college athletes and if not the most strenuous we have to be very close to the top. I particularly do not agree with working out and training if I'm not going to compete, may be if I was red shirting I would because I still have the opportunity to partake in some competitions. Other athletes can train for no reward but me I would rather not. I am still hoping and praying that I can compete this semester and that something is done where the university decides that I can compete.
I always like to keep a positive mind and be optimistic towards most situations but this situation is really getting difficult to be optimistic about. I have tried to give the school the benefit of the doubt of getting what needs to be done situated before I completely get aggravated and angry but some people seem to think that I am enjoying the situation, although I am far from enjoying it. But I do hope it all can be changed quickly because I am still looking forward to competition, I have been training with the rest of the team since September and I would love to compete just like their are given the opportunity.

Jaaziah Bethea


  1. Keeping a positive mind and being optimistic towards situations is a great artribute. Writing about it is an even better one. The fact that you have tried to give the school the benefit of the doubt shows that you are open. In this piece it is written in the form of realism. I get the vibe of the author and the mindset of where the words are comming from

    Craig Fontenot

  2. Jazziah I knew this was your post as soon as I saw wrestling. I think thats great though that I dont have to read much further and I know it was yours. Wrestling is surely your topic and I think It's great you have such a strong passion. I am sorry to hear that you are ineligible to compete, that must really suck. How come you couldn't travel with them and give your team support? I know what it's like to not be able to participate but never have I not been able to go to the game to cheer on my peers. I get what you are saying about practice but I think you should stick it out. Even though you may not be able to participate at least you can practice and still be in shape for once you are able to again. Why would anyone think you are enjoying this? Well good luck and I hope things will change so you can play.

  3. Thanks both of you Ashley and Craig! I am definitely trying to keep a positive mind about the situation and keeping looking up rather than down. My coach told me that I could not travel because I am ineligible and I guess its kind of like breaking the rules, he said I could get kicked off the team and he possibly could lose his job. I am trying to stick it out because at times our practices are so long and hard I get angry that I'm not competing until who knows when so it makes it harder for me to concentrate on the task at hand because the task at hand really is in the future. I do not know how people would think that I am enjoying it but I guess not everyone is the same and there are some people who might love this aspect their life because their still on the team, in shape, get free things, and have their weekends open.

