Wednesday, September 29, 2010

For the longest time I agonized over this post. Everyday day and night for seven days I sat at my computer, prepared to write, but nothing would come. This is extremely frustrating for me, because this is the exact same problem I have with the actual blog I have, of which is empty, and thereby useless.
I guess I'm stuck with the problem for now, and when I come up with an answer, on our next free blog post will give it to you all.
But for now, here are some words of wisdom from that which I've come across until I can of something better to write.
I hope you enjoy, some I rather think are entertaining.

- “Good and bad, right and wrong, are not opposite, but like hot and cold, are rather degrees on the same scale.”
- “Even lies are a part of the greater truth. After all, is it not true that lying occurs?”
- “One does not have to read the dictionary when looking up the definition of a word, but if one were to read the dictionary they would never have to look up a word again.”
- “Violence begats violence, as causation causes causes.”
“Humility garners praise.
Praise garners satisfaction,
satisfaction garners arrogance.
If true that a wise man is humble,
than there is wisdom in accepting no praise.
If life is transient, and so anything the praise is of must be as well.”
- “There is nothing that I have noticed results in more creativity than boredom.”
- ““Keep in mind your personal truth may look as ridiculous to someone else as their personal truth does to you.”
- “You are a part of everyone.
What helps everyone helps yourself, because you are a part of it.
What helps others, as a part of everyone, also helps you.
What hurts others, hurts everyone,
and as a part of everyone,
we hurt oneself.”
- “Can you read a half open book? No? Then why listen to a closed mind?”
- “Freedom of speech doesn’t necessarily mean freedom of message.”
- “It also doesn't mean freedom of social pressure, apparently."
- “Money and all the stresses it brings is such a misfortune that only rich people deserve it.”
- “If Christians really want to save me, they can start by paying my bills.”
- “Fear makes the feared stronger.”
- “A ridiculous belief, even if sincerely believed, is no less ridiculous.”
- “The truth might set you free, but it might also get you sent away.”
- “I have noticed in writing there are good days, days where everything fits together and seems easy and much is done, and there are bad days. Unfortunately there appears to be more bad than good ones, but when we have a good one, well, it’s like we just touched a piece of heaven and we recall why we have undertaken the task that we have. Even if our novels do not sell, that feeling is the reward in itself.
- “There is no try; only do's, don'ts, and dreams.”
- “True wisdom is in appreciating the reason behind something, even if you disagree with that reason.”
- “Somebody somewhere hates you for reasons beyond your control. Your skin color, your background, and the setting you grew up in. But what character chooses the play they're in? Thank goodness there's also people to love you for reasons beyond your control too.”


  1. Thanks for the quotes Alex, though I must say I would appreciate attributation.

    With regard to your agonizing over your post, may I direct you to my comment on Ashley's "nothing to say - Ashley" post.
